quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2009


...as he teetered on the edge, with his eyes rolled back, jet streams criss crossing over his head, the sun laid his wavering shadow over the surface of the water. his mind spun with tangled thoughts and his legs shook in his advance towards the watery redemption...

...the wind blew in his ears and his face streamed with tears...smoke rose behind his eyes from internal incinerations. he was breaking up....

suddenly everything slowed - his faltering limbs steadied, the tears ceased to flow and seemed to dry quickly in the warm sun. the wind dropped to an imperceptible bum, the boiling blood wich choked his insides shrank back into rhythmic circulation, and somewhere deep inside it all collapsed....

...light flashed in his minds eye and a series of quick but distinct images proceeded through him in rapid succession...

...the jet streams trailed away into nothingness as his body spun lazily though the warm air.
this was his direction as he'd always known it, ever downward, approaching an uncertain void (uncertain, but surely more significant than the dull throb of his current existence)....

...as the surface of the water drew closer he closed his eyes and felt it all fall away...

...with the crack of his body on the surface everything splintered into it's final dissolution - nothingness seeped in from all sides and his mind swarm in every direction, freeing him of thought, of worry, of horror. his blood drifted into the depths or circled towards the surface and blew off into the breeze.

...this is what he'd always known - a promise of something greater just beyond (or below) the water's final horizon....

quarta-feira, 11 de março de 2009

Parece que quanto mais quero manter esta fogueira acesa, mais depressa ela se apaga à frente dos meus olhos semicerrados pela fadiga. Meto toneladas de lenha em cima do fogo, mas parece sempre em vão. Sinto-me inconsequente. Juro que estou a morrer de frio.
Acho que vou morrer dentro das paredes do meu corpo, encurralado pela minha nudez.
Lembro-me de olhar para as chamas, e vê-las a fazer contornos redondos com uma ponta aguçada, recordo-me de olhar para o tom do seu interior. Nunca vi um tom tão encarnado antes, jurava que via sangue lá dentro a cumprir as regras das circulações sanguíneas. Eu tocava no fogo. O sangue a entrar em mim, o sangue a fazer a rota natural nas minhas veias. O sangue a passar para o fogo. Vezes indetermináveis.
Vivi demasiado tempo ao calor destas chamas. Custa-me sentir que estão a perder a força.